No really.
This may seem counterintuitive but think about it for a second.
Nietzsche spoke these seemingly cruel and inconsiderate words in his seminal tome, Will To Power.
They always send shivers down my spine. Few truer words have ever been uttered.
Because this so perfectly encapsulates life as a human being on planet earth — there is no sweet without the bitter, no gain without pain, no victory without the taste of defeat. We are all in this together, we all are made of skin and bones, none of us are getting off this rollercoaster alive.
But there is goodness and beauty all around us, for those who choose to see it.
I live for a day where we all become so deliberately and forcefully grateful for this shared journey, for how lucky we are to simply be here at this incredible moment in history, that we embrace one another and stop labeling each other and splintering into tribes and factions.
Our obsession with segmentation, the historic urge our species has always had to categorize and rank and divide into hierarchy — increasingly has no real meaning in modern society.
The last time I checked, every skeleton I have ever observed had but one colour — grey. I used to define myself as an entrepreneur, a businessman, a Jew, but I now see the wisdom of defining myself not according to human-constructed labels but according to guiding principles I can feel in the very core of my being — principles of unity, humanism and harmony.
What I really wish you all most of all is love, but especially the gift of endurance, whoever and wherever you are.