F**k Incrementalism. We can change this all in the next 1000 weeks.

2 min readJul 1, 2020


The beautiful aspect about all of this chaos is — realization.

Realizing that we are, in fact, not innately evil.

We were mostly just ignorant.

We were walking around with faulty data and decades of bad programming and misinformation. In many cases, forces beyond our control conspired for centuries to keep us fearful of each other.




We all came into 2020 talking a big game and chirping about #2020Vision … well, we are getting what we wished for, are we not?

We can change this collectively. And it can happen within a generation.

In the next 1000 weeks.

No longer any need for incrementalism. Frankly, we all know too much now to let change happen slowly. Ignorance is no longer bliss. It’s killing us. And it doesn’t have to be this way.

Think of the children. What legacy are we leaving for them? They are going to read the record of our comments, our stories, our perspectives. There is still time to hit the edit button.

We can still make them proud. We don’t have to be stuck in quicksand forever.

There is a path forward if you just open your eyes, your ears and your heart. Listen, and learn. Be humble. And realize you can be a different person than you were just 5 minutes ago — if you allow it.

Pandora’s Box is now open.

The dam has broken.

The cat’s out of the bag.

There’s no going back from here. Focus, push forward and realize how powerful we all are. How much you are capable of, how much you can individually contribute to making this a better world for everyone.

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

Anne Frank said those famous words and they always make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Few quotes are more resonant to me.

These words have never left me. They seem to apply now more than ever.




Written by MOSHE

I write about Life Lessons, Capital Markets, Investing, Entrepreneurship & Ethical Capitalism: http://commerceandcapital.xyz/subscribe

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